memorial for a brilliant woman

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I just found out the daughter of my friend CE Chaffin has died- a young and beautiful woman with a five year old son.

CE was the editor of the well-respected webzine The Melic Review, which is still archived online. Started in 1998, it continued for a little over seven years publishing some of the best writing on the internet and a paperback 'best of' at the five year mark. I had the great pleasure of being an assistant poetry editor for awhile- it was quite a job!

The staff was not permitted to submit or publish poems to the zine, unless they had already been published elsewhere. I had nine poems in the zine over the years, one I was told was nominated for a Pushcart (though at the time that meant nothing to me).

His essays in the various issues are well worth your time, look for Logopoetry and his work on the Eliot Quartets.

God be with you, friend.

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