memorial for a brilliant woman

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Writers reading, stuff like that-

Listed in Style are the latest from the famous and hopeful, legitimate writers with real books--

Calendar HERE

Listed not are the locals, the truly hopefuls who aren't vetted yet, the "rest-of-us", the citizen poets who buy the books the others write. Occasionally, the books are worth the money- sometimes it's just a puzzlement.

Sun the 30th VMFA 3pm readings in the Muse cafe

2nd Friday at art6 7pm, features and open mike (one-two poems)

3rd Thursday at C'est La Vin 6pm, same as above but with music.

every Saturday at 9 at Artspace, Richmond Slam

and Monday night critique group at the Farmhouse Facebook page FMI

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

all advice/no advice is good advice

all advice/no advice is good advice-

more folks than not try to get away with writing lazy and not doing sufficient rewriting, reading out loud, rethinking-

This is a good start (click here)

in the end, if the poem is good enough there are no rules, or at least no violations. But try, people, try!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Monkey wallpaper as metaphor

They're changing the wall paper in the bathrooms at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden.


People have been taking little bits, apparently for years.


Granted, it is cute as all get out- monkeys in trees, strong colors: green greens, brown browns, all that.

We also have monuments. Battlefields. Churches where liberty and death were discussed.

And wallpaper.  How many Virginians does it take to change a lightbulb? Five - one to replace the bulb and four to talk about how glorious the old bulb was.


The story

Monday, September 10, 2012

Too many $%^&* Writers!!!

Here's the original: Is Free Verse Killing Poetry?

Here's the follow-up "too many writers"

yes, I referenced the original in the previous blog post, reposting to save people time.

I guess we've decided poetry matters and is not dead. It's also funny the follow-up mentions this is strictly "first world problem".

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Free or Formal? Leave me alone!

Such a silly thing to worry about, but some people who make their living in the academy must keep the argument going so they can keep their jobs, I suppose!

Check the article out HERE

I write what I write. What do you write?