memorial for a brilliant woman

Thursday, March 21, 2013

poem again, who knew?

Lost Vegas

Mamma has a berth, a slot,
whatever at Bunker’s
memorial midtown.

The webpage says
it’s convenient but
only archives thru 2002.

I was there once
twenty-five years ago,
daddy went with us, now

he’s there, too. I was
so afraid of his power
over me I wasted time

I could’ve spent asking
questions like- when
did you go thru the change?

then I remember in 1965
she had a hysterectomy, together
we watched a brand new soap

on TV, The Days of Our Lives,
all that sand going through
the hourglass, all that sand.

1 comment:

Joan Cacciatore Mazza said...

I like this one a lot. Especially that ending image. Killer ending.